
We're a ska band from good old Allentown, PA. Here to
keep ska alive, we make our own blend of ska, rock, punk, and
alternative for a truly unique sound. Come check us out!

Thursday, October 28, 2004
Hey guys, it's been awhile since a post, but I didn't realize how much time college eats up. Anyway, things are going well with us, and we are getting ready to play again! Here are the shows that we have as of now:
Saturday November 6th Lehigh University - Lamberton Hall
Spur of the Moment The Noble Orchestra That Fleeting World Mugatu Craet
7:30, sponsored by University Productions -It's kinda short notice, but this should be an awesome college show, the UP people always do a great job with shows. If you can make it, head over and hear some great music.
Thursday December 23 William Allen High School Allentown, PA Blackbox Theater Spur of the Moment w/ Lucky #2 and more TBA -More info TBA as we get closer, this is still conceptual, so it's not definite, but if it goes down, it'll be a great chance to play some great music back at our Alma Mater and hopefully to reunite with our A-town crew. Keep this date open just in case.
We're still working on getting more shows for the winter (we couldn't make one at Kate's Kafe, so we'll try and go back there at some point.) We are also going to try and write some new music, so try and show up, you may be surprised. Our new CD Up on Blocks is now available, so pick up a copy at a show or email us at spurofthemomentska@yahoo.com and we can send you one, you won't be disappointed. 2 of the tracks can be downloaded at http://purevolume.com/spurofthemoment, and the lyrics can be downloaded HERE, (prepare to be blown away :)
Thanks for the support guys, keep checkin' back for more info. Keep on rockin'
posted by Nick T. 3:19 PM
