
We're a ska band from good old Allentown, PA. Here to
keep ska alive, we make our own blend of ska, rock, punk, and
alternative for a truly unique sound. Come check us out!

Friday, May 28, 2004
Yesterday's show at the Lakeside Stage in Mayfair went really well, great stage, great crowd, tight set. We heard a lot of good things from our family and friends about how our music is advancing, so we're psyched about that. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us, it means a lot.
You may have noticed Dr. Schick filling in on bass. The fact is we've come to a difficult situation, and we had to part ways with Aaron. Aaron, thanks for all the good times these past two years and we wish you well in your future endevors.
Spur of the Moment, Allentown's finest ska band is currently looking for either a new bassist or guitarist. Candidates must enjoy playing many different styles of music (loving ska is not necessary, as long one is not obversed to playing it), and they must be dedicated and be willing to practice at the very least once a week. Keep in mind that the bass lines are tough, and would require work to learn and to play guitar, ska strumming is a must (but can be taught if you're willing to learn). If you are interested, drop us a line at spurofthemomentska@yahoo.com and we'll set up a jam session to get to know you better. Anyway, school's almost done, graduation's coming, working finishing the CD, we can't wait. Thanks guys, and keep on rocking!
posted by Nick T. 1:34 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2004
In case you guys didn't hear yet, Spur of the Moment is once again playing MAYFAIR in Allentown's beautiful Cedar Beach. We will be playing for 4 to 5 at the Lakeside Stage on May 27th, which incidentally, is reggae and latin night. I know a lot of you guys will be there that night, so try and come a bit early to see our show, it'll be a great one. There's also a good chance we'll play a ska show in mid-July, so keep checking back. We have 2 more songs to polish off and then its recording time. God, I can't wait to get the CD out, I hope you guys like it. As always, if you have any comments, show offers, or questions, drop us a line at spurofthemomentska@yahoo.com. You can download mp3's at: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/3/spurofthemoment.htm http://www.radiotakeover.com/music/artist.rto?id=3874 http://www.purevolume.com/SpuroftheMoment
Thanks guys, drive and survive, keep the music alive!
posted by Nick T. 4:06 PM
