
We're a ska band from good old Allentown, PA. Here to
keep ska alive, we make our own blend of ska, rock, punk, and
alternative for a truly unique sound. Come check us out!

Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Ho Ho Ho, Happy Holidays guys! Well it's December the 24th, and I'm longing to...be home...like I am now. Thank God school's over. We are all taking a much deserved break from the our work and in the mean time, getting ready to record! The date is Jan. 3rd, so we're hoping to record about 4 songs, so about 1 more session of 3 and we should be done. Once we get them made, look forward to a rockin' CD release party, so we'll keep you posted. In addition, we made it into the Battle of the Bands at Allen later in January, so when we get the details, we'll send them your way. Well, everyone's doing great, so in closing, have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hannukah, a Krazy Kwanza, and a silent and dignified Ramadan! (courtesy of the Simpsons.) Stay safe and keep rocking.
posted by Nick T. 11:43 AM

Sunday, December 14, 2003
Hi guys, this is Nick, just checking in on this snowy Sunday (I so hope we don't have school tomorrow). We've been up to the same old stuff, endless schoolwork and college aps. We are working on writing new songs so we can finish the CD before we all grow too old. Anyone who was at Steve's party was lucky to hear our one new one called "Tumbling Down", so about 2 more and we're set to do some damage. Hopefully we can get to go record some songs during Christmas, and we're also trying to find a way of posting the "What I Am to Me" video, so until then I guesss you'll have to find someone who has it, lol. Also, mp3.com is DOWN! :( So we're in the process of finding another place to host our songs, if you have any ideas, let us know. Anyway, not much info, but I hope you guys are doing well during this season. We don't have any shows on the horizon, so if you want us to play somewhere, send us an email at spurofthemomentska@yahoo.com. Feel free to even send us an email just to say what's up with you and what you think of us. Well, good luck and have a good holiday coming up!
posted by Nick T. 12:17 PM
