
We're a ska band from good old Allentown, PA. Here to
keep ska alive, we make our own blend of ska, rock, punk, and
alternative for a truly unique sound. Come check us out!

Friday, August 22, 2003
Well, for only three days of promotion for this show there was an awesome turnout. Too bad more people didn't come early enough to catch Laces Out, who did a great job. Biocoogana was good. I enjoyed the music and hope they get a CD completed soon. Quinine did an excellent job. It was cool to see how having a new member do the singing improved them. It was actually with Quinine that I first played trumpet with a rock band. We did a cover of Beer. Good times. We might be doing another battle in about a month but we haven't confirmed anything yet. We've also gotten some cool show offers we're checking out, so check back soon.
posted by Mitch C. 1:32 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Ok so we're doing a show this Thursday. EXTREMEMLY short notice. Info's in the gigs section. Our schedule is starting to work out a bit better. After this week is over everyone should be done with vacations. BTW Jared will unfortunately not be at the show Thursday. I should also tell everyone that my sister Meghan was in a car accident yesterday. She's lost two fingers on her left hand but otherwise she's fine. Thanks to everyone who’s been supportive. We're going into this show a little blind due to that and that Nick doesn't come back until tomorrow. One day to practice. Hope to see you there.
posted by Mitch C. 8:20 PM
