We're a ska band from good old Allentown, PA. Here to
keep ska alive, we make our own blend of ska, rock, punk, and
alternative for a truly unique sound. Come check us out!
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Some farewell pics...
posted by Nick 5:10 PM

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
So here we are, over a year after the last post. The once massive ska giant Spur of the Moment is currently in hibernation. One day he will reawaken, drink some espresso, and probably record a few songs in my basement. Nick's got some very promising material in MIDI form, and we still have those songs we taked about in the last post that were intended for the second album. Meanwhile, check out my new band The Saint Cloud, featuring myself on drums, Arthur Benson and Brian Follweiler on guitar/vox, and Dylan Peifley on Bass.
[Nick's Addition:]
If it wasn't already apparent, Spur of the Moment is unfortunately on hiatus. Things are very crazy for all of us, and it's not really feasible for us to practice and gig regularly. We are still great friends and we love the craft, and that is all that matters in the end. Perhaps we will have the opportunity to grace the stage again...someday.
In any case, this has been one the greatest experiences of my life. I want to thank all of you guys for all of your support. To the ones who've given us chances to play, the ones who've supported us in so many ways, and especially the ones who've come to so many of our shows and enjoyed our music, I say: we couldn't have done it without you.
Peace guys, and keep on rockin'!
The Spur of the Moment Brothers
posted by TJ 2:51 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2005
The dog days of summer are coming to a close, and you might think that SOTM has been dormant. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. We are currently in the process of writing material for a new CD, and working out how and when it could happen. We are all really excited about this, because our new material seems to be miles ahead of our old stuff, from what we can tell so far. There will be experimentation, evolution, revolution...but most importantly some great music.
Unfortunately, our school year begins soon, which means less practicing and giging than we'd like. But never fear. Spur of the Moment will continue to rock the Lehigh Valley and beyond, so keep checking back for more info about future gigs, music, etc.
Keep on rocking.
posted by Nick 9:47 PM

Monday, June 06, 2005
Hey loyal fans of SOTM. Sorry for the long delay in posting...to say the least...but we've all been really busy with finals and stuff. However, we're almost all finished now, and we're working harder than ever to bring you our music.
Right now we're in the process of writing material for a second CD, which should be great. Not too many details yet, but we're definitely going to try and incorporate many different styles and genres to have something for everyone. And there will always be room for some nice ska guitar :) Not sure when we'll have some samples to listen to, when we're going to record, or when it'll come out, but we'll be sure to keep you posted.
Not too many gigs on the horizon at the moment. We'll make sure to keep you posted.
Just some reminders:
-To get in contact with us for gig offers, buying CD's...or anything pretty much, you can email us at spurofthemomentska@yahoo.com
-You can check out mp3's and more at both http://www.purevolume.com/spurofthemoment and http://myspace.com/spurofthemoment
-For a cool messageboard run by Kulp, check out http://spurofthemoment.proboards21.com/
-And of course, http://spurska.tk or http://spurska.tripod.com (with a facelift in the near future) ... but then again you probably know that already or you wouldn't be here...
Peace guys.
posted by Nick 10:34 AM

Monday, March 21, 2005
FYI, our very own Sam "Sizzle" has taken it upon himself to fix up our PureVolume account, and he did a fine job at that. Check it out for a brand new bio, new pics, and most importantly, 2 songs off of our new CD Up on Blocks that can be streamed. So check it out:
You can also check out My Space:
That's it. Peace.
posted by Nick 9:15 PM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Hey guys,
The Allen show was a lot of fun. Despite numerous technical difficulties, we put on a good show, and it seemed like the crowd enjoyed us. It was great to see the A-town crew. Congrats to the band of won, and thanks to anyone who came out.
Unfortunately, our show with the Pietasters was cancelled and moved to a different venue, meaning that we won't be opening. Never fear, we will have more chances in the future to rock Crock. Rock. So keep checking back here for more show info.
Well, our wonderful break has come and gone, and now it's back to work. But like I said keep checking, because you never know what we have up our sleeves: writing new music, playing more shows, actual merch., we'll have to wait and see.
Thanks guys, keep on rockin'.
posted by Nick 5:38 PM

Monday, February 28, 2005
this just in...we're playing now...at allen highschool, march 11th 5:30 pm. tickets are a couple bucks, so come out and have a great night full of fun times. other bands playing will be sognar, the house lights, my lunchbox the night owl cafe killers, and the mark....I expect to see you, yes YOU there...thank you
also...april third there is a show at croc rock with the PIETASTERS...tickets available through any spur of the moment member for the low low price of 10 dollars. Also playing at this show is bob and the sagets, and longshot hero.
we also have potential to be playing a battle at lehigh university march 19th, so be there or be square :-p.
I think that will mark the end of today's ramble
posted by Jared 4:21 PM